dimecres, 3 de juny del 2009

Diàleg angles

Happy cooking!

Gina:Oh what aboring on sundays
Ester:I agree complement
Maria:What can we do?
Júlia:My mother is a cooker,we can ask to her to teach as to cook!
Ester:Yes,that would a lot of fun
Maria:Let's do it?
Júlia:Let's do it
Gina:What's the matter
Júlia:I just find a mother note that she says she's going to the restaurants inaguration.
Ester:Oh what a pitty
Maria:What about to cook ourslf?
Ester:That could be fun
Gina.Are you shure?
Júlia:Yes of course,it will be very amusing
Gina:MMM...you are all right lets do it
Ester:So what?
Maria:First of all we have to thnk about the dish we want to cook
Gina:That's true
Júlia:What about fabulous flan?
Ester:Does fabulous flan exist?
Júlia:No,but we can create it
Maria:Yes,we can
Gina:Ah! And don't forget the faulous flag!
Ester:Don't miss it
Júlia:Ok let's do right now

Scene 2

Maria:0Ok here we have dought
Gina:Ok,everything is on the place,let's begin?
Júlia:Let's begin!!
Ester:I likee cooking!!!
Júlia:Let's put the ingredients
Júlia:The flan
Ester:The strawberrys
Maria:The sweets
Júlia:And the cacao
Ester:Cacao or milk
Maria:I have finish
Ester:I'm finish too
Gina:It's done
Júlia:It looks great
Totes:It's very cool
Júlia:And now the time to put the fabulous flag
Júlia:Oh,oh were is the flag
Ester,Maria:I don't now
Júlia:One moment please
Júlia:And that's the flag
Ester:Now it'¡s the time to taste it

Scene 3:
Ester:Oh!we are very hungry
Gina:now it's the time
Júlia:Let's tryit?
Júlia:Oh,Oh,were is Gina?
Ester:Oh!she is in the hospital
Maria:One minut silencee for she
(1 minute late)
Scene 4 Byee!!!

A la pel.licula la gina no deia res!!!perque estava malata i aquest es el guió original!!

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